Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The worst places to hear babies crying

We all know that the human child can emit the most bowel shaking, high pitched noises known to man. Here are the six worst places to here a baby cry:

6. Movie Theaters- Irritation comes easy when a baby is screaming bloody murder in a theater. It's even more insulting when the parent acts like there isn't anything wrong.

5. Cars- A screaming baby can turn any car ride into a trip from hell. Suddenly the seats seem so much closer...

4. Library- Nothing can ruin the atmosphere of a place that embodies the essence of peace and tranquility quite like a bitchy infant. Ya. I just went there.

3. On the phone- I can't stand talking on the phone for the most part but throw in a shill, hungry child on the other end and the red hang up button looks a lot friendlier.

2. Slumberland- If you had an alarm clock that woke you up with sounds of a crying baby, you would probably think twice about hitting the snooze button. Sleeping can't co-exist with that.

1. A Plane- Imagine a small, metal tube filled with recycled air and screaming babies. Now visualize the 35,000 ft that rests between you and the ground...

-- Chad Waite, Daily Derbi
P.S. Not the Daily Derby


Tyson Call said...

I think "Bitchy Infant" is my next band name.

Barry said...

So true.

What inspired this post, anyway?

Chad Waite said...

I have no idea. I think maybe I heard a baby in the library the other day and just thought of this.

Michelle said...

I just have to add that your photos with your own red writing are creepy.

Ryan said...

I would venture to say hearing a crying baby at work should be on the list. Working in a restaraunt for 12 hours straight, hearing babies or toddlers scream makes me want to slam my head in a door