Monday, April 27, 2009

The Swine Flu will rape your children and steal your 401k...

At least that is what the media says. Let me tell you, tragedy sells. Now, for a moment, we can all take a deep, relaxing breath and forget about the economy and focus on a potential Armageddon called the Swine Flu.

This media firestorm has spawned literally overnight, so lets start with the obvious question: what is the Swine Flu? The answer is simply what the name suggests- a strain of influenza commonly found in pigs. While this doesn't sound particularly "end-of-the-worldish", it is important to note that the virus, just like the Bird Flu, has the ability to manipulate itself very quickly and infect new hosts. So far the virus has claimed 157 deaths in Mexico and reared it's ugly head all over the world, including the U.S.

Now everyone is up in arms and scared for their lives. The U.S. has officially declared a public health emergency and even started shipping huge portions of their Tamiflu reserves. Pharmacies in every country have been met with huge demands for flu remedies. And meanwhile the media is having the biggest field day since...well...the Bird Flu.

Reporting that the Swine Flu will take millions of lives and plunge the world into massive global debt is sensationalist news. Think I am joking? Take a look at this lead from a article: "Even a mild swine flu epidemic could lead to the deaths of 1.4 million lives and cost the global economy more than $US330 billion." One can't help but say "Whoa, we are all screwed" after reading that.

The media needs to stop catering to viewers' emotions. I am not saying the Swine Flu isn't a threat and it does suck that people have been afflicted and even died because of it. But until we see nuclear bombs going off in every city and the human race ending as we know it, don't buy into the Armageddon hype that the media is spoon feeding you.

-- Chad Waite, The Daily Derbi (Not Daily Derby)


Mrcoolbrad said...

The bible predicts a huge pandemic destroying/killing a whole crap load of people. I don't watch the news and the only media I buy into is anything Ron Paul says.
But, a bunch of people are already dead and it's expected to rise.
It could be just a scare like the bird flu was, but it appears to be spreading like wildfire and the public health department doesn't just issue warnings to issue warnings.
that's my two cents on the matter.

Unknown said...

Ha ha! Chad you have an incredibly awesome point here.

kelly said...

I think it is a problem, but the difference between deaths in Mexico and the USa is that we have easier and better access to health care. We will be fine. Unless you dont have health insurance. so basically our college-age generation is gone...

Tyson Call said...

Its true. Whatever will sell "papers".