Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Ugliest Car Ever Made

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Nissan CUBE! And let me be the first to say, "Nissan, what the hell?"

I am all for the concept of smaller cars. Small, light cars getting good gas mileage is super appealing to most people but not when it looks like your driving a small porta-potty. It's a shame to see such a good car company produce such a bad looking product like the CUBE- especially when it's a company that has brought us such lovely 4-wheeled sex machines like the GT-R and the 370z.

My goodness, it truly is terrifying. If looks could kill babies, the CUBE would be wanted for genocide. Even the interior is awful. And what's with the back window not going all the way around? Modern art and cars don't mix well. I am positive that Nissan's lead designer was also the guy who built this:

The similarities are uncanny! I am really hoping that people don't buy this car. There are so many other small cars that don't look like Rosie O'Donnell's...well... Rosie O'Donnell in general, that people should not find it hard to stay well clear of this monstrosity.

-- Chad Waite, The Daily Derbi


iTV (Just ignore this)


Bags said...

Never buy a car that looks like it came out of a box. That's my philosophy. Not even a pretty box with a bow. No box cars... unless it's VW Van! Ok. No boxes.

Also, do you remember the Boxcar Children?

Justinthetwin said...

I think the design's amazing. What are you smoking?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is terrible.

kelly said...

lego car = AWESOME!