Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Best & Worst April Fools' Pranks of 2009

Every year April Fools' Day seems to become bigger and bigger. It's even gotten to the point where major corporations are jumping on the pranking bandwagon and producing some pretty comedic results.

Here are the best April Fools' Day pranks for 2009:
  1. Google's CADIE-We will start off with Google, a seasoned AFD veteran. Google has a long history of pranks and 2009 was no exception when they introduced CADIE, the Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity.
  2. Digg Pop-ups- Digg joined the list of pranking websites with random cameo pop-ups of a variety of characters embedded in their stories. The guest list included Kevin Rose, The Count (from the Muppets), Hiro, Mr. T, and of course Chuck Norris.
  3. The Hotelicopter- The Hotelicoper sounded so cool and so life changing that even I bought into it full-heartedly. But, alas, Yotel made an early April Fool of me.
  4. We're Related to Obama- This was totally brilliant. The "We're Related" application on Facebook told every user that their fouth cousin (once removed) is President Barack Obama. The funniest place to see the effects of this prank is through a simple Twitter Search.
Here is a list of the worst April Fools' Day pranks:
  1. Facebook Fees- This AFD prank was, to say the least, predictable, obvious, and flat-out dumb. It's clear the author- who should be ashamed- was trying for quantity over quality. Some bloggers only care about views.
  2. This YouTube Video- Now it's April Fools' Day everyday!

-- Chad


Bags said...

I actually clicked on that last link, and as I did so my brain yelled, "You are about to be Rick Rolld'!!!" And so I just exited the screen before the page could load. Boo yah!

Michelle said...

Funny that you put Facebook fees as one of the worst, since you tried pulling that on your last blog.

Michelle said...

Ah, nevermind. Ha, you're dissing yourself. Continue...