Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Facebook to start charging

Facebook, say it ain't so! Apparently the tried and true "revenue by advertising" system isn't working anymore. The popular social networking site has announced it will start charging for membership.

I personally love Facebook, but I will not be willing to pay for it, especially when there are still so many choices of free social networking sites (aka Twitter).

There isn't any word on pricing as of yet, but I am assuming Facebook is smart enough to offer both personal and corporate accounts (for things like fan pages and such). According to a statement released on Tuesday, the fees will start July, 2009.

Just like the aftermath of their subtle contract changes, I am just anticipating a HUGE public uproar on the newly imposed fees. I guess we will just have to wait and see...

- Chad


Mrcoolbrad said...

Twitter can't replace facebook.
I know you pro-twitter'ers would like to think it can and will, but, it cannot. There is something about being able to post videos, pictures and more to your personal profile and talking directly to people via chat, messages or wall posts that you don't get on Twitter. a 140 character status update cannot replace facebook. No Battle.

Blake B said...

Right... his 1.7 billion or however much Mark Zuckerberg has made is not quite enough...

New Facebook Vote said...

I think charges are a bad idea, mainly because of all the free networking sites. Although if it was like £3 for a month it wouldn't be that bad...