Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Talk About a Reset For the Broncos

So this will be a completely gratuitous post as I am sure that none of my readers are devoted football watchers let alone hardcore Denver Broncos fans like myself. So none of you will be shocked at this:

Mike Shanahan was fired from his position as Broncos head coach today.

It is with great regret mixed with hints of relief that we watch him go. Shanahan was a 14 year Bronco veteran and helped Denver to their first and only two Super Bowl titles in 97 and 98. He had an reputation for being a factory that produced absolutely amazing running backs (Terrel Davis, Clinton Portis, Eddie Royal- and that's just from what I can remember). He even had a 146-89 career record with the Broncos.

Even with such a record, however, it was time for him to go. Why? Well there are several reasons and most of them start at the end of the glorious "Elway Era". After John and most of the 98 super bowl roster retired, traded, or left, the Broncos had a hard time recovering from the sudden lack of superstars. And it showed. From 98' to the end of the season this year Shanahan had only one postseason victory under his belt! That is flat-out embarrassing.

Another problem presented itself when the Broncos couldn't seem to find a decent quarterback. In the 10 years after winning the 98' title, they had used Bubby Brister, Brian Gresie, Jake Plummer, and most recently, Jay Cutler. All were inconsistent at best with only Cutler offering reasonable promise. And inconsistent is what the Broncos were for nearly a decade. Overzealous offensive coordinators, an incapable offense, and a coach with a knack for trying 4th downs proved to be Denver's downfall season after season.

The 2008 season for the Bronocs marked the third year of not making the playoffs after loosing last week's deciding game for the AFC West playoff spot to the Chargers. It was clear that a stagnant team needs some fresh air. The over aggressive and accident-prone offense needs to control their output of "large" plays and learn the meaning of the words "steady drive". The defense, while amazing at times and terrible at others, needs and overhaul in hopes of achieving consistency. And finally, we need special teams that dare to venture pass the 20 yard touchback line.

And how will any of this be accomplished? Get rid of old blood, bring in new ideas.

So what should Broncos fans expect next year? Offensively, look for the lack of huge play attempts every down and better pocket defense. On the defensive hand expect a better running defense. And for special teams...well just expect them to show up. Needless to say, it will take time for a new coach and defensive/offensive coordinators to adjust and tweak the team back into the versatile AFC West force we new them to be years back. And what will become of Mike Shanahan? With a track record as good as his and more experience under his belt than any other coach in the NFL, he should have no trouble finding another job turning around a troubled team. Coach Shanahan of the Lions...has a good ring...

Feeling like a really cool sports reporter,


1 comment:

Tyson Call said...

Uh... Yeah, what he said!