Monday, October 27, 2008

San Francisco and Friends

San Francisco. A city I knew nothing about except gay people got good gas mileage. The crown jewel of the bay area. The city that sleeps in. A town for the laid back sort of folks. As you have probably figured out I still don't know too much about San Francisco save the touristy spots.

Last week my family and I hit up all the spots of interest around the city for nearly five days. I had an absolute blast weaving our way through the scores of Asians and Toyota Prius's and found that San Fran had some really neat things to offer. Here are a few of my top picks:

The San Francisco Bushman. This homeless guy hides behind a fake bush and scares tourists. It was freaking awesome. My dad gave him 5 bucks.

Three kids and a car ride over.

Me in front of the Golden Gate Bridge

Beautiful Coastline

At the DeYoung Museum of Art

Upside Down Jellyfish

Kelly at the "The Crab House"

Eating crab took a lot of concentration

Neat Alcatraz shot

Artistic shot of the trip


The Maltese Falcon (Largest sailboat in the world)

Tree vs Kelly and Mom

Stairway to Nowhere at the Winchester House of Mystery

Reporting from a couch with a new couch cover.


Michelle said...

I don't see any bush man pictures!

Bags said...

Nice one dude. Of all the times I've been to Cali, I've never made it to San Fran. Crazy, eh?

Michelle said...


Tyson Call said...

I wanna go to that Winchester House, it seems so rad!

Morgan LaRee said...

Chad, I love San Francisco!! And its bushman. I was glad to see that your whole family was sporting "Crab House" shirts. I hope you still have yours.