Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I was online the other day and I was in need of a program to doodle a few words onto a picture with. I don't have any paint or Photoshop programs on my computer so I decided to search for free online photo editors.

I ended up finding FotoFlexer. It's a relatively simple online editing system that lets you manipulate images loaded from your computer. While the tools aren't too sophisticated and in-depth it does let you do simple tasks like erase, draw, and add basic effects. The program even lets you work with multiple layers and images.

While I am sure you find dozens of online programs similar too this, FotoFlexer was easy to use and had a very simple user-interface. Pretty cool. Plus it's free and that's usually the right price for most people. Check it out if you ever need some quick touch ups.

-- Chad Waite, Daily Derbi

1 comment:

Blake B said...

This is the one I was trying to tell you about on the phone when you first asked.

It's pretty sweet.