Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Failed Child Actors: The Most Depressing Thing Ever

Meet Amber Scott. She's 25, very attractive, and attending Trinity College in Connecticut. She is also plum out of work. Ms. Scott, as you may remember, was the child star who played Maggie in the 1991 blockbuster, Hook.

And after that...nothing.

Once famous child actors who are now forgotten have got to be one of the most depressing things ever. Just look at Amber. What has this actress amounted to since her role in Hook? A small voiceover in an episode of The American Experience is all she has to show in her time since the silver screen.

Sad, sad, sad. Here is a list of other child actors that dropped off the radar after their brief brush-up with stardom:

Isaiah Robinson
Jake Lloyd
Chris Furrh

Did any of those names ring a bell? No. So what can be done to avoid this problem? Simple- don't sign your kids up to be an actor. And if your child has already become an actor and you fear for their impending failure just give them to Angelina Jolie or the Octomom.

--Chad Waite, The Daily Derbi

iTV (Just ignore this)


kelly said...

how will we have children in movies then? would we just use midgets?

Britton said...

I'm so glad we talked about this last night so that this post could be written. And I love how your "American Experience" link is just a puppet show. Well written, Chad.

Barry said...

I'd say that girl has a lot going for her. She grew up to be hot and she's going to college in Connecticut!

What more can you ask for in life?