Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bands That Are Underrated

This blog post is going to be a bit off track compared to my normal rants, lists, and opinion posts. I got to thinking about bands that are underrated the other day. In my head I recently reviewed a list of bands that I don't think got the credit they rightfully deserved.

So here it is- Chad Waite's underrated band that never got the attention they deserve is:

Jupiter Sunrise
(Check out their song Cherry Wine)

But of course my opinion is just a drop in the bucket. That's why I want to make a list of bands that should receive more attention based off of your opinions.

Just leave a comment and tell me which band you think deserves a spot on The Daily Derbi list, ushering in tens and tens of new listeners for said band.

-- Chad Waite, The Daily Derbi

P.S. You may also put the most overrated band of all time. My pick: Nickelback.

P.P.S. Please, please leave a comment. If you don't this post will be an epic failure and I shall resign from blogging.


Mrcoolbrad said...

Most underrated band of all time has to be The Beatles.

Ryan said...

I got one for you, The Long Winters.

sorensenpower said...

Overrated: Nirvana and Coldplay

Melissa said...

underrated: Counting Crows. I don't care what anyone says, I grew up on that music.
overrated: Jack Johnson...all his songs sound teh same!

kelly said...

Tilly and the Wall!!! They are fun and there percussion is done by tapdancing! yay!
The most overrated band would have to be your band chad... jk :)

Tyson Call said...

I went through my music library but couldn't find any I thought were underrated. Sorry.

Overrated? Plenty.

kimichka said...

i misread your comment on nickelback and thought that you believed them to be underrated, and i got a little worried.... overrated, yes they are. and i checked out jupiter sunrise. good stuff. as for bands i think are tragically underrated: ra ra riot and blind pilot.

cathycan said...

Jupiter Sunrise...don't you mean Jupiter Die-die, Chad?
Mwahahahaha, inside joke.