Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Poor Miley Cyrus

I am in no way an advocate of defending ridiculous celebrity behavior. I think Christian Bale (warning: extreme language) has proven himself to be a complete waste of space and a total douche. I think Chris Brown has pretty much ended anything he had going for him by beating up his girlfriend Rihanna.

But two weeks ago entertainment giant TMZ released a picture of Miley Cyrus and her friends making funny faces at a camera. Here is the picture:

In it, Miley is clearly pulling her eyes back making a squinty-eyed face at the camera. And guess what! Yups, that's right- thousands of Asians got super offended. Multiple Asian rights groups have stepped forward comdeming the picture claiming it is offensive and mocks Asian heritage.

But wait- the best is yet to come!

On the 12th, a women from L.A., one Lucie J. Kim, filed a class-action law suit again Cyrus "on behalf of 1 million people of Asian Pacific Islander descent in the Los Angeles area." And what's are the damages? Take a breath and sit down... $4 billion. Yes, you read that right. Kim is filing a law suit for $4 billion in damages. The worst part about this is the reality of the situation. This is a real law suit. Kim has hired a real legal team with real lawyers.

Is it just me or is something wrong here? Personally, I try not to exhibit any racist qualities but I am human and sometimes an offcolored, racey joke will slip here and there. But I can tell anyone in doubt that 16-year-old Miley Cyrus was ablsolutely not, in any way, shape, or form, trying to mock or degrade anyone of Asian descent with this photo.

The world has become too politically correct and it terrifies me that anyone with only half a brain and an oversensitive, media molded mind can do things like sue for $4 billion. I really do feel bad for Miley. No 16-year-old should have to deal with something like this, especially when she was just being 16 years old. Man, if I was getting sued for every funny face I have made or offcolored remark I would be screwed.

To end, I think Cyrus summed up the situation best in a statement she made just days after the photo was released and the media/Asian community grilled her: “People are making something out of nothing. I was simply making a goofy face.”


P.S. A post about a celebrity is really odd for me but this was just to good of an example about out of control political correctness in America.

P.P.S. I do not mean to say that every single Asian person found this picture offensive. In fact I think it is just a very select few who have decided to come forward, blow this out of proportion and represent an entire race in a unwanted way.


Ryan said...

First off:

Christian Bale is completely justified. If I had some guy continuously interrupting me while I was at work, I'd do the exact same thing.

Miley Cyrus: It's an attention grubbing, future rehab attending, ho. That being said, that lawsuit is bullocks. THERE IS AN ASIAN IN THE PICTURE OF THEM MOCKING ASIANS. Null and void!

Michelle said...

I support the Asians. Also, I still don't recognize Miley in that picture - maybe it's the eyes.

Melissa said...

oh she's just being miley

Michelle said...


Blake B said...

Whoever made the comment two above me takes the cake. And I bet Miley will make 4 billion just by the publicity she gets from this, and re-runs of her terrible show.

Melissa said...
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