Tuesday, December 2, 2008

For The Fat Man On eHarmony

I don't like trends. In fact, I hate the idea of a trend becoming a trend because people have been told to participate. Status quo, my friends, is a powerful thing.

Nowhere are trends more prevalent than on the Internet. Facebook, for example, is always asking me to join some random "world record" group I have no connection with or add an application for speed dating and determining my favorite friends. The understanding of fashion has always eluded me. The High School Musical appeal will forever remain a mystery for me. And finally, Twilight takes the cake for a lame, trendy flick that every girl must see. For the most part I think trends are "flat-out dumb". My reasons for expressing my anti-trend sentiment? It is, simply put, because of a friend's last blog post asking me to participate in an online trend that I find ridiculous.

Apparently someone (probably an overweight World of Warcrafter who wanted to learn more about his eHarmony matches) proposed that six bloggers of their choice write a blog about six traits that make them who they are. You must explain the traits in detail and why they are unique to you and your personality and then tell six other bloggers to do exactly what you have just done. I think writing about your personality is a great subject for bloggers but forcing six others to recreate a near carbon copy post about the same subject is "flat-out dumb". Its like watching Hell's version of Pay It Forward.

But in the end I was tagged and I shall conform to an eTrend that contains as much popularity as it does nonsense. I will, however, be simplifying and lying:

My 6 Traits
  1. I am sarcastic.
  2. I am a conformist.
  3. I never lie.
  4. I am gay (but not in that way...)
  5. The first thing I think is never the the first thing I say.
  6. The more I learn, the less I "know".
So there you are. Ponder on those non-sensical traits for a while. In the mean time I wish to tag Britton Kowalk, Matt Showalter, Orinn Hatch, God, Wall-E, and Bono to participate in this project that will make you crave the last 15 minutes of your life back.



AshleeBashlee said...

Hey you can’t dis high school musical, you have to remember that you watched the first ever showing of it with me. Hahahahaha.

Michelle said...

Oh but you DO lie Chad! And I know exactly when you're lying... AND what kind of gay do you mean? Who says that?

Ryan said...

I'm offended by the world of warcraft comment. I play WoW, and I'm not fat. You are a victim of stereotyping my friend.

Melissa Connor said...

haha Chad. I for one am excited to hear what Bono, God, and Wall-E have to say that makes them unique

Tyson Call said...

I am going to defend Edward, because... well someone has to, and pretty much everyone else is covered.

Britton said...

Just so you know, my rebuttal is coming. Here are 3 quick reasons why I entirely disagree:

1) declaring a friend's invitation of a specific blog topic to be a "trend" though, in fact, there have been only two such blogs written by anyone that you remotely know

2) declaring your hatred of trends at a friend's invitation to a blog topic when, on Saturday November 15th 2008 you wrote a blog following the pattern of fictitious article (a pattern followed by 3 of your friends and requested of you in a similar manner)

3) the war-cry of "non-conformity". Senseless rebellion is the most common form of conformity among our age group. "non-conformists" are the most distinguishable group known to man. Therefore, the idea that inviting others to join you in a blog-game is a "flat out dumb" conformist practice carries about as much logic as the hard boiled egg I ate for breakfast this morning (which, in fact, only contained protein).

4) Jeremy Clarkson could totally beat up that Twilight vampire. He'd just drive faster.

Therefore, I disagree.

Chad Waite said...

Britton, I appreciate your comments. Here is my re-rebuttal.

1. This blog thing has a national following. It may be slightly different, however, due to the amount of people it has passed through (kinda like a game of telephone). Need an example? Here is my cousins blog. She lives in Boston. http://cristieandsteven.blogspot.com/

2. The fact that I followed a "trend" of writing a fake news article is 100% true. But your still wrong.

3. Not once in my blog did I refer to myself (or anything/anyone for that matter) as a non-conformist. My statement of "flat-out dumb" was a mere expression of my opinion regarding the subject of trends.

Britton said...

Just for reason number two, I declare my undying allegiance to your blog once more.