Sunday, October 12, 2008

Odd, Short Note on Women

Here is something that is happening while I am typing this:
A girl in my apartment just said "I am not a fan of Drama. I hate it and I never make any." I laughed to myself and thought that every girl I have ever met in my life says the exact same thing. It's funny though because while they cannot stand it most produce a big amount of it. I also think that there is a direct connection between the number of times/the forcefulness of how much girls say they hate drama to the amount of drama they produce. The more they "hate" it, the more they need it.

I do apologize for the terrible writing in this post. I am trying to organize my thoughts and write this while maintaining a conversation with everyone in the room



Britton said...

amen Chadley.

Naomi Dawn said...

Haha! You know its sad but kinda true! .... Sorry ladies! We all dislike a lot of things especially Drama! I mean I can truley say I dislike Drama a great deal but it is just in our nature for it to follow us around or to even be created by us!! Drama, drama, drama ... right? ... Chad! I love your Posts! and I think its really funny that you wrote that while keeping conversation going with other people! haha! good one ... anyway we could all use a little less drama in our lives, right?! :) ... (sorry if this doesn't make sense, its not my falt, its really late and the place I am staying at has cats so I am also having an alergic reaction to that so please forgive me!, I really wanted to leave a comment though before I forgot!) ... so, anyway thanks again and sorry this is so long! :) remember to simplify our lives people! :) drama never helps ... :) laters!

Tyson Call said...

What wisdom! I have never realized that but its true. Usually girls don't talk about it unless they create it, and then your simple equation applies:

Drama produced ≥ inverse of proportional amount of times drama is denounced(to the power of how manipulative they are)

I think it works. Britton, could you confirm that?