Friday, September 19, 2008

Absent + Picture for Brooks

Greetings loyal readers! I do apologize about this two week hiatus I have been on. School has left me SO busy that I have little time to write an efficient, informative blog and to do anything less than that would be a crime. I have a large test that I must take today but afterwords I will write a wonderful blog on a topic that has been strewing about in my mind. The smooth some of your ruffled feathers (aka Brooks) I am posting up a picture that will have no relevance except to a few, select people who will appreciate this with the utmost respect.

Reporting from a desk full of papers for his law class,
Chad Waite

P.S. I really will have a new, fun, and best of all interesting post tomorrow.


Bags said...

Shithead. Huh.

emojens said...

no, it's SHI THEAD.. you say the th noise. thhhhh. It's not a hard T. that is all