Turn on the news right now and two things will happen. First, the middle-aged anchor lady will be wearing a second face made of make-up and be dressed like a cleavage-pushing, club-prowling cougar. Secondly, a story about some major event threatening to end humanity as we know it will be featured. But these are nothing new. It first started with the Russians, followed by Wal-Mart, then it was Global Warming after Sarah Palin, and now it's the bold and fresh Swine Flu.

Personally I think the biggest threat to humanity is the unregulated and ramped middle-aged women's addiction to Diet Coke. Right now, everyone one reading this (you included) could name more bored 40-year-old wives addicted to Diet Coke than you could count on two hands- that's ten. My mom is addicted. My friend's moms are addicted.
Robert Pattinson is addicted to the stuff, proving that even Vampires have a second liquidy weak spot.
So much is heard about the many events that could end the world. What really should be feared, however, is Coca-Cola raising the price on their Diet line or discontinuing it all together. If this happened Earth would subsequently be crawling with angry, headache-laden zombie women who've forgotten what water is. So please, Coca-Cola, don't do that. Or my mom will eat my brains.
Chad Waite,
Daily DerbiP.S. This was a stupid blog. It had
no point. Scroll down for a much better post.
although i have to admit, i'm thinking the diet coke thing is merely a utah phenomenon....
because the moms in my home town are addicted to plastic surgery and prescription drugs.
anyHOOTERS let's be blogging friends
that's all
Nice post!
All that diet coke and other king of a soft drinks are not good for the health. There is a risk of obesity or overweight, also it increases the level of cholesterol. Mostly the today's generation are more addicted to soft drinks.
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