Monday, April 13, 2009

Stupid Anti-Smoking Commercials

OK, this is pretty straight forward- the anti-smoking ads put out by The Truth make me want to smoke. Why? Let me give you an example from The Truth's new Smokerman ad campaign to give you a taste of the awful advertisements I have to deal with when trying to watch South Park.

That was, to say the least, a bad commercial. Two things strike me as especially odd while viewing this cinematic gem, however. First is the fact that these major ad campaigns are not cheap. This commercial has been playing on national TV and across various Internet sites including my beloved And air time with the networks is a far sight more than pocket change.

Second is simply why? The Truth is primarily made up of teenagers who hate smoking and want to rid the world of its evil. Another group, The Phoenix Alliance (based in Salt Lake City), offers its membership only to kids 12-18. But honestly, who the hell cares at that age? When I was 16 I cared about driving, my secret Pokemon card collection, and how short the cheer leading squads skirts were (probably just like this guy). Not eliminating tobacco.

The entire anti-smoking movement is ridiculous to me. If you don't like smoking, fine. But don't waste my time with cinematic propaganda bull crap. I don't smoke because it's not healthy, it smells, and it cost a lot. Not because of this:

-- Chad Waite, Daily Derbi

P.S. I did a big of digging (aka Wikipedia) and found that organizations like The Truth are actually funded by big tobacco companies! Crappy commercials= people hating commercials and want to smoke= rich tobacco companies= a new blog for Chad.


Britton said...

I strongly agree with just one thing--that commercial is awesome. "Smoker man has opposeable thumbs."

Chad Waite said...

If it helps Britton, the first thing that went through my head during that closing line was your face.

In fact, I would be sad if you hadn't have mentioned opposeable thumbs.

Michelle said...

Okay, those commercials are dumb and advertisement needs to keep thinking, but smoking is still a huge problem. People start super young. I learn about this all the time in school, because they tell us as dental hygienists we are required to motivate them to quit. Maybe you should go in to advertising and come up with some better ideas.

Dave said...

I am totally going to use this blog to shamelessly self-promote my photo's comment momentum:

That is all.

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