Monday, April 20, 2009

Guster, please follow me on Twitter

Dear Guster,

My name is Chad Waite. I have been a big fan of you guys since I first heard your Lost and Gone Forever album back in 2003. Probably not your biggest fan, I admit, but devout enough to buy your CDs, concert tickets, and even a $20 tee-shirt at one of your concerts (which I still wear with pride today).

I have a genuine appreciation for both your unique style of music and your ability to recreate it perfectly (if not better) live. Brian's out-of-this-world drumming abilities are especially awesome to me- something that was not fully appreciated till I saw him playing bare-handed in SLC, Utah. As a fellow drummer myself, Brian has influenced my style in more than one way. On top of that, one of my band's* favorite covers is Ramona.

So as a super loyal fan and vowing my undying allegiance to be a Gusterhoid for life, I have one request of the band that I admire so much: please follow me on Twitter. I promise I don't post stupid tweets and it will give me stellar bragging rights. In fact, I don't know what else it will accomplish besides that fact that I can say, "Wow, my idols follow me on Twitter. Do yours? No? Haha, I win."

So there you have it. Guster, if you actually have read this just know you rock my socks off... and that my Twitter name is itvchad.

-- Chad Waite, The Daily Derbi

* Band is used simply as a term to describe an apartment full of half musically "talented" college students annoying their neighbors on a more than consistent basis.

P.S. Yes, this post is for-rizzle. I really hope Guster reads this.


Britton said...

PS Guster come to Salt Lake

My word verification word this time is fackle.

Michelle said...

Chad that is AWESOME that they are following you!

Chad Waite said...

I know! Seriously, I am so blown away that worked. How awesome is Guster!?