Wednesday, March 25, 2009

5 TV shows that...

Here are five TV shows that were better when they first started:
  1. The Office- Simply stated, seasons 1 & 2 were brilliant. But five years into the franchise, the show has run out of fresh ideas and stretched any original drama to its limits. A good episode here and there can't compete with the consistent humor The Office used to deliver.
  2. The Simpsons- The Simpsons has been running for 20 seasons. That's translates into the longest running TV series ever. Lets just say bold, fresh ideas are becoming scarce.
  4. Heroes- Here is a good strategy: Hook viewers on the first season with a wonderful plot and then replace the original writers...
  5. Power Rangers- In middle school every guy watched Power Rangers even though the status-quo said said guys didn't. Old Power Rangers were actually really cool but now they have turned into real life Japanimation wannabe soap operas that would make the original Jason roll in his grave.

And here are five TV shows that have gotten better over time:
  1. Family Guy- FOX bringing back Family Guy was one of their best moves ever. If that hadn't have happened, we wouldn't have gotten this:

  2. Scrubs- Zach Braff and the crew have been pumping out funny episodes since day one. Plus Elliot has remained incredibly attractive. It just sucks Scrubs won't live on to see another season.
  3. Arrested Development- It took me a while to warm to Arrested Development, especially when I accepted the fact that I had to start watching the series from the very first episode. That's when I realized if a season four existed it would probably be illegal for being too funny.
  4. Top Gear- Just how good was Top Gear's 12th season? Let us review: the Vietnam Special, 2nd American Road Trip, and a special track appearance by the Bugatti Veyron. Clarkson and the boys just will not quit!
  5. South Park- Trey Parker and Matt Stone have come as close to perfecting South Park as they can. The show has evolved from episodes featuring foul mouthed dialogue and potty humor to...well... episodes featuring foul mouthed dialogue and potty humor with political twists. Pressing social issues with comedic (yet realistic) solutions and free episodes online helps South Park get better year after year.



kelly said...

I think most TV shows were better when they started in all honest. I would also include Gossip Girl, The Hills and the OC on that list. Since I have such great taste in television, obviously, thought I'd put in my influence.

Britton said...

Agreed times a thousand to all of them. Except Arrested Development. I think that one is just kind of staying steady. Like a sailboat. A steady one.

Bailey said...

Stupid Lost. I think the worst mistake ever made was cancelling AD prematurely. I hear it's been "confirmed" that there will be an AD movie. I'll believe it when I see it...which I hope with all my heart I will!

Mrcoolbrad said...

I loved power rangers as a kid. BUT, every episode was exactly the same.
Starts off with a bad guy, power rangers are like "aaahh bad guys, we better effing stop him" so they go show up, then they beat him up a little bit and you think they may have won, but NO... The bad guy morphs into some huge monster that is skyscraper size. The power rangers get there butts kicked for a second and just when you think that all is lost, Power rangers blow there whistles or daggers or whatever and call there ultra monsters in and they morph together and beat the bad guy up (sparks are flying everytime anybody touches too)
There you have it, Every episode of the show that I loved to watch every single day.

Michelle said...

" would probably be illegal for being too funny." Wow, Chad. Cheeeeesy. But I love love Arrested Development. The Office, it may not be as funny, but you are still entertained watching it, right? And LOST...goodness, it drives me crazy how everyone complains about that show but continues to watch it every week. The complaining gets old if you ask me.

Bags said...

Mmmm, Eliot Reid.

Also, Arrested Development is the best thing to happen since the colon cleanser.

Britton said...

PS no megazord? Sad.

Mrcoolbrad said...

I really like Michelle.
Don't Watch or Don't Complain.
People are too addicted to TV.
"even though this show pisses me off and I plan on complaining about it a lot until next weeks episode, i'm still going to watch it"
Doesn't make much sense.
Everyone should watch "The IT Crowd" or
"The Venture Brothers"

Matty P. said...

i agree with some of your choices chad, but Family guy sucks now. its no longer funny. Lost is still amazing! you just gave up on it too quickly. but i agree with scrubs. RIP scrubs, you will be missed by me, your biggest fan.

Also i disagree with britton. Arrested Development is one of the best shows ever created. I cant wait for the movie next year.

Melissa said...

I'm really disappointed there's no more pink ranger. Every girl aged 7-14 wanted to be her. They probably lost like 30% of the target audience when they cut out Kimberly